Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Your Interpretation Is?

Give us your interpretation on the concept of Joy? Is it centered around all the material items in your home? Can you purchase as much as you need or desire at the corner store? Or could it be the price Jesus Christ paid before and after you allowed him into your life?

Now, we're going to be bias and let you can come to your own conclusions; however deep down inside you know that  counterfeit kind of Joy isn't what your seeking. Here are two definitions regarding the word Joy. You decide which interpretation you'll stand by:
  1. The Merriam~Webster Dictionary says this about the word JOY ... It's an emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires.
  2. This is what the Bible states on behalf of the word JOY ...
Psalm 16:9 ~ And so my heart is glad. My soul is full of joy. My body also will rest without fear.

Food 4 Thought,
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (c)Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved